Saturday, March 12, 2011

Finally time to catch up...

I am so sorry for the long has sort of gotten in the way.  Sometimes, stress and drama lead me to write...other times, it just causes my writing genes to dry up.

Over the past couple of months, things have continued to decline with my mom.  She became exceptionally the point we have had to change her medication to where there are days she is basically out of it.  But, in all honesty, as bad as it sounds, it is far better for her to be peaceful and sleepy as opposed to angry and violent.  My biggest fear is that she will get kicked-out of the nursing home...then what?  There's no way we could take care of her at home and we cannot afford the skilled nursing care she absolutely must have.  The choices we face are hard and ugly...and miserable.

My dad seems to be okay...he is most definitely a creature of habit...visits my mother every single day...from 1 - 2 pm.  Not one minute earlier and never stays a minute longer.  I believe he is lonely.  It breaks my heart.  All I can do is try to be there for him.  I call him twice a day...seems like nothing...but I hope it helps him.  Now that spring is on the horizon, I hope to start going home every-other-weekend again.  Maybe that can help...but...for all I know, he may like being alone and dread my visits.

On a personal note, my kitchen disaster continues...but...there's light at the end of the kitchen cabinets were installed last week, new tile floor in the kitchen and foyer this week and new appliances to arrive next week.  I am so thankful that I had the support of a good insurance company (I heart MetLife) and resources to supplement the project to do it right.  Very grateful, indeed.

I promise to go a full month and half without posting again...well...unless life decides to get in the way again.

All the best,